Using Tags

Use Tags to mark cases so you can easily find them for further analysis.

For example:

  • Create a Unit 12 tag and apply it to the cases that handled by Unit 12.
  • On the Manage Cases page, in the filters section, click the 'Tags' field and check the box next to Unit 12.
  • Click Search.
  • The search result displays the cases with the associated Unit 12 Tag.

Note: What's the difference between tags and auto-tag?

  • Tags: Create a tag with a name that you choose and then apply that tag to a case as an identifier. You can search for cases using the tag name. Tags are an easy way to group cases.

  • Auto-tag: Create a saved search and then give it a tag name. When newly uploaded cases match the search criteria, CaseReview will automatically apply the tag name to the case.

Display tags

On the Manage Cases page, click the edit icon next to 'Tags'.

A list of tags displays.

Add tags to the system and associate them to a case

You can add tags in a couple of ways.

Either way, you can re-use any tag you create for as many claims as you wish.

Build a list of tags

If you know what type of attributes (events, vitals, waveforms, regions, etc.) you want to keep your eye on,  you can save some time by creating a list of tags up-front. After you create the list, you can associate the tags with as many cases as you wish.

  1. On the Manage Cases page, click the edit icon next to tags under Custom filters.

  2. The Tags page displays a list of tags. Click 'Add tag' in the upper right corner of the page.

  3. Type the name of your tag and click Save.

Associate existing tags to a case

  1. Click Manage Cases on the navigation bar.
  2. Click the case start time on the line of the targeted case.
  3. On the Case Details page, click ‘Add tag’.
  4. In the ‘Add tag’ window, enter the first letter of the tag name and select the tag from the list. The tag is now associated with the case you are viewing.

Create a tag on the fly

If you are in a case and want to apply a tag but you don't see the tag you need in the list, you can create one on the fly. Tags created this way will automatically be associated with the case you are viewing and be available later for general use.

  1. On the Manage Cases page, click the case number .
  2. On the Case Summary tab, look to the right and find the Tags box. In the Tags box, click 'Add tag'.
  3. In the ‘Add tag’ window, enter a new name.
  4. Click Save. The new tag is now associated with the case you are viewing and will be available to use on other claims.

Edit tags

  1. On the Manage Cases page, click the edit icon next to 'Tags' to see a list of tags.
  2. Find and click the name of the tag.
  3. Modify the tag name and click Save.

Use the Case Summary tab

  1. On the Manage Cases page, click the case number.
  2. In the Tags section, click the tag name.
  3. Modify the tag name and click Save.

Delete tags

Because deleting a tag removes it's association with all the cases it was applied to, the system lists the number of case associations to help you make an informed decision prior to deletion. If you want to continue, click Delete.

  1. On the Manage Cases page, click the edit icon next to 'Tags' to see a list of tags.
  2. Click the X next to the name of the tag you want to delete.
  3. Because deleting a tag removes it's association with all the cases it was applied to, the system lists the number of associations to help you make an informed decision prior to deletion. If you want to continue, click Delete.